Adult Math

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:34:44 - Talk
1:18:24 - Breakouts


Ask Me for anything, especially for what brings us closer.  I am not withholding, but want to experience life alongside you, in the beauty of mutual self-gift.  While I will provide for you what I know is best, I also want you to experience My direct generosity firsthand. 

No matter where you are, prepare yourself to receive more.  I love all of you.  Don’t hold back your requests, cries, gratitude, confessions, encouragements, and worship.  Let’s share it all.  I have provision for every situation.  Give Me what you have, not just a tired glance. 

In those times when you have asked and have not received the answer you wanted, or the way you wanted, please know that I am using your request for your good.  Any encounter with Me sets in motion some form of amazing favor that ripples throughout creation.  Amidst your seeking, you may already be deeply within My greatest loving will for your situation.

Don’t be the final judge of what your life should look like, as you seek with an earnest heart.  Remember how I spent years equipping Moses, Daniel, Paul, Peter, Mary and Joseph.  Consider how their lives turned out, how they triumphed despite their struggles, and the significance of their lives.  Do you not find inspiration and nobility in their stories? Likewise, trust in My narrative for your life.

As I answer your call, I always respond with My best for you.  My perfect will comes forth into your plea.  I am completely invested in your pursuit of Me because of My profound affection for you.

Rest assured, I am orchestrating something far greater in your life time than what any present moment may reveal.  Just know I Am is here.

”This is the simple confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything that aligns with Him, he is in agreement with us.”
I John 5:14-15