Personality Healing

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:29:38 - Talk: Personality Healing
0:36:11 - Four objections to personality flavors
0:52:58 - 16 types & QA
1:16:31 - 16 soul colors & 7 spirit colors
1:26:14 - Find your type
1:38:36 - Breakout sessions


Dave and Zia Personality Type - YouTube Videos

Enneagram - Dave blog post

16 Types vs. - Spirit Types vs. Enneagram - Dave Blog Post

Nathan Glass - YouTube channel


I made you just for the joy of it. So relish who you are.

My essence is in being, in I Am. And you are My image.

For you to be, involves the steady flow of My love in and through you. There nothing you can do that will ever shine brighter than who you already are in Me.

My personality within yours captivates—it is enough to create great changes in hearts everywhere. More of My favor flows through surrendered vessels than you may realize. It is My healing presence that drives away that which causes one to suffer needlessly, and turn into harm’s way.

Imagine into reality more of our eternal life within. I don't focus on your sin or brokenness. Through Heaven's eyes, I see your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions, so saturated by My Spirit’s beauty in all you truly are.

Thus, there is so much more we can do when you strive less. You already have Me, My children, for what father does not give his all to his children?

I am in the depths of your being, for you were created by Me, as a gift to all. Your actual “you” is Me. It is Me in you.

I know who you are and why I created you. Rest in this and let your being fill up and overflow, for it is then that your doing will prosper and bring forth fruit we can savor together.

"God said to Moses, 'I Am Who I Am.'"
Exodus 3:14