Receiving Pentecost

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:29:49 - Talk on Receiving Pentecost
1:34:01 - Breakout sessions


Finger of God - DVD

Heidi Baker testimony - YouTube


Thank you for your beautiful gratitude.

A grateful heart is an open heart, fertile to receive more of My ever-flowing riches.

Remember that I am yours. So do not obsess with what you don’t yet have, especially when already you have so much. Rest and enjoy. Be grateful. This pleases Me, for it communicates that you are tuned in to the heart of God, recognizing My provision and encouraging you toward future bounty.

For if you know what I have given you, where I have taken you from, and acknowledge My grace has taken you there, then it will lead you into a deeper trust that I am coming again like a river that never stops.

When a person becomes faint of heart and not thankful, then they begin to falter in the truth that I am a bountiful God, who longs to shower My people with abundant riches.

All I have for you is a gift freely given. Therefore, it is incumbent on you that you freely receive, for you cannot give thanks for that which you have not received.

A lack of gratitude will drag you down a dark path of self-entitlement, with the thought that you are owed something from Me. Freely I give, for My supply is infinite.

And most important, I give you My love, the greatest gift I can give you. I am Love.

Thus none of My giving is earned. It comes from My essence in the day that I first formed you in perfect love, knowing I would never leave you abandoned or forsaken.

I will always give you what I know you need in My wisdom, in My time, through you may never fully understand. Just trust in My love, freely receive it, and give thanks always for the endless flow of My grace for you.

"Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the presence of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Colossians 3:15-17