Economy of Gravity (1/2)

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:48:22 - Talk: Economy of Gravity
1:29:34 - Breakout sessions



Look for the harvest.  But also keep a healthy lifestyle of labor and rest, as we together tend to your crops. 

Furrowing soil, fertilizing, planting, and watering the seeds of hope always brings great increase. Time itself is on your side, as it efficiently works to release the desirable fruit.

Expectantly receive each gift I send your way, even though it may look so small as a seed.  Consider how every Sequoia tree started. 

Remember that every act of trusting Me has an effect in the heavenly harvest.

In the natural realm, I cannot fully and adequately express how I appreciate your prayerful intercession for so many.  Your loving presence during worship is such a fantastic expander of this season’s yield.

Also remember that your vineyard and your neighbor’s vineyard are simultaneously enriched by how you are together growing My Kingdom. 

So harvest never just happens—it is always happening. 

Your harvest is simply the by-product of abiding in Me.  It is a natural outflow of love and will come to bear on all the faithful who persevere in My abundant life. 

“The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”
Luke 8:15